
Ohio Hereford Women

Ohio Hereford Women Officers:
President: Erika Evoniuk
Vice President: Stacy Schlabach
Secretary/Treasurer: Kaci Eddy

Ohio Hereford Women Directors:
Barb Adams • Lisa Keets • Jillian Felgar 
Angie Ostgaard •  Liz Core • Dawn Handrosh

To Join the Ohio Hereford Women:
Make checks payable to: Ohio Hereford Women
Mail the $30 dues to:
Kaci Eddy – 89600 Arbaugh Rd., Jewett, OH 43986

2024 Buckeye Hereford Queen Lexi Heidlebaugh, Findlay, Ohio

Thank you to our 2024 Queen Fund Sponsors 

2024 Royalty Sponsors: Gold A&J Farm
Berg Polled Hereford LLC • Blubaugh Cattle Co. 
Merry Meadows Farm, LLC
Silver: Delaney Chester • Ostgaard Cattle Co.
Laramie Reed – Past Ohio Queen
Bronze: Adams Family Show Cattle
Handrosh Farms



Photo Contest 
The Ohio Hereford Women sponsored a photo contest for the Ohio Buckeye Junior Hereford Association members.  The youth are very talented, and they entered many wonderful photographs.  Each entry was sent to our judge anonymously.  Liz Core evaluated each photo and placed winners in each category.   

Watch for items featuring their artwork for sale at Hereford Events!

The winners are as follows:

1- Perspective.  Sadie
2- In Focus.  Kylie
3- no caption provided. Emma
4- Judges Reasons.  Sadie
5- Planning for Tomorrow.  Sadie
1- Snug as a Bug in a Rug.  Avery                                        
Snug as a Bug in a Rug
2- Wanna Hear a Secret?  Jalyn
3- That is what it’s all About.  Avery.
4- Autumn Slumber.  Jalyn
5- Every kid needs a calf with a white face. Jen
Thank you to each member who submitted photographs.